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Chambersburg Rod and Gun Club, Inc.

PO Box 203

Chambersburg, PA 17201                                                                                       Revised 2023-08

Article 1 – Name


The name of the organization shall be the Chambersburg Rod and Gun Club, Inc. and henceforth, in this document, shall be referred to as the “Club”.

Article 2 – Objectives


The objectives of this Club are;

  1. to promote interest in the conservation of our natural resources, such as forest, water, soil, fish and wildlife,
  2. to promote interest in hunting, fishing, and outdoor life,
  3. to assist the Pennsylvania Game and Fish Commission with their stocking programs,
  4. to conduct contests and provide membership recreational shooting of rifle, pistol, archery, skeet, trap and sporting clays,
  5. to provide entertainment and recreation,
  6. and to receive, by dues, donations or other means, funds for carrying out the activities of the Club.


Article 3 - Membership


Section 1 – General Membership

Applicants for membership must be sponsored by a member in good standing. The Sponsor is expected to give a tour of the facilities and explain the By-Laws, Range Rules and Club Rules to the new member. The new member will be provided with a copy of the By-laws/Rules. Member in good standing is the status assigned to a member when he or she has remained current on organization dues and payments.

Any person applying for membership shall, upon payment of an initiation fee and the regular annual dues, be a paid member through the calendar year in which the membership is obtained. The two basic memberships will be, without access to the ranges and with full property access. (See Club Rules for current fees and dues.) Membership shall continue through the subsequent years upon payment of an annual fee. Any member of the club serving on active military duty of the United States shall not be required to pay yearly dues to maintain their membership.


Section 2 – Junior Membership

Any boy or girl between the ages of eight and eighteen years, who is sponsored by a member in good standing, shall be eligible for junior membership in the Club. There shall be no fee for junior membership status. Junior members require adult supervision when using Club facilities. Any and all team rules prevail as to age limitations for team participation. Junior members under the age of 18 will not be permitted to assist with games of chance, i.e. bingo and fish bowls.


Any junior member, upon reaching their eighteenth birthday, shall be eligible for senior membership on payment of an annual dues fee, but without the initiation fee. Any junior member who does not become a regular member before their nineteenth birthday, shall revert to the general member requirements stipulated in section 1 above.


Section 3 – Life Membership

Any member who demonstrates outstanding work or service to the Club, and has been a member in good standing for ten consecutive years, may be selected for a Life Membership.  A Life Member in the Club involves having the same rights and privileges as a regular paying member but without required payment of the annual dues.


Submissions of candidates for this award will be from the general membership through a nominating letter to the acting Nomination Committee Chairman.  A Life Membership shall be awarded to an individual by a majority vote of the attending Club members, at the December General Membership Meeting. Any Club Officer who has served ten (10) consecutive years will automatically be awarded Life Membership, in appreciation for their service. The Executive Committee shall present the Life Member with a special life member card.


Section 4 – Honorary Membership

An honorary membership may be granted to any individual by a favorable vote of the Club at any regular meeting. The Executive Committee shall review all honorary memberships at the Executive Meeting in January.


Section 5 – Membership Termination

Any person charged with conduct unbecoming a member of the Club, and against whom charges are sustained, after due and proper hearing before the Executive Committee may be expelled from membership by a majority vote of the entire Executive Committee.


Conduct unbecoming a member of the Club includes but is not limited to the following;

  1. Anyone found guilty of serious violations of the State Fish and Game Laws. (i.e. Deer poaching, illegal fishing, stealing fish from the nursery, etc.)
  2. The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the Club grounds.
  3. Intentional Destruction or vandalism.
  4. Violation of these By-laws, effective Club Rules or effective Range Rules.

Any person whose membership in the Club has been terminated in any manner, shall forfeit all interest in any funds or property belonging to the Club, as well as the use of the Club facilities.


Article 4 -Dues

Section 1

The annual dues shall be payable on or before December 31st of each year.  Any member who has not paid their dues for the new year on or before December 31st shall be removed from the membership list.


Section 2

The annual dues and Fees shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee at a duly called meeting of the Executive Committee. Recommendations will be made to the general membership. Final voting on any recommended change shall occur after said change has been read at the two consecutive and immediate previous meetings.


Section 3

Members in good standing, and who have secured membership with access to the range, may obtain access Credentials from the Membership Secretary for the established one-time fee.

Article 5 - Meetings

Section 1

A regular meeting of the Club shall be held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise ordered by the President. Fifteen (15) of the active members of the Club shall constitute a quorum at a regular meeting.


Section 2

The regular Club meeting in January shall be known as the Annual Dinner and Awards Banquet. This meeting shall be used for the purpose of; all committees to give their respective annual reports, presenting awards and any other business that may arise.  


Section 3

A regular meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise ordered by the President. Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum at an Executive Committee Meeting. The regular Committee meeting in January shall be used for the purpose of; installing the newly elected officers and directors, as well as any Club business that may arise.


Section 4

To maintain voting privileges, a general member must be a member in good standing.


Article 6 - Officers, Board of Directors and Their Duties


The officers shall be as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Membership Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers shall perform their duties as follows:

•          President – It is the duty of the President to preside at all meetings. In case of a tie vote, it is the President’s privilege to cast the deciding vote. The President shall appoint all committees. The President will collect, from each committee chairperson, a list of committee members and current inventory lists no later than the January Annual Dinner and Awards Banquet.

•          Vice-President – It is the duty of the Vice- President to serve in the absence of the President and serve as aide to the President. The Vice-President shall be chair of the Ways & Means Committee and fulfill all duties associated with said committee. The Vice President is also responsible for completing rental agreement forms with any individuals or organizations wishing to use the Club House, Pavilion, or the Club Grounds and shall oversee the soda machine operations.

•          Secretary – It is the duty of the Secretary to keep detailed minutes of each meeting, to read the minutes of the preceding meeting, to take care of all correspondence, to generate a list of Policy Motions, to circulate and collect Club meeting attendance sheets, to generate a list of personnel authorized to vote, prior to a scheduled vote (see article 5, section 4), to oversee inventories, Keys,  email, Website  and ensure that officially sanctioned events are placed in the Club’s website calendar (see article 7, section 1.4).

•          Administrator – It is the duty of the Administrator - to be familiar with the paperwork, operations and serve in the absence of either the Secretary or the treasurer and shall periodically check the Club’s Phone answering machine.

•          Membership Secretary – It is the duty of the Membership Secretary to receive monies accruing from the Club member’s dues, initiation fees, key card fees and to turn those monies over to the Treasurer. This Secretary shall issue RFID Key cards and keep a complete record of all the members, their address and respective Key card number.  This secretary will also oversee the Club’s Wi-Fi, Gate maintenance. 

•          Treasurer – It is the duty of the Treasurer to receive any and all monies accruing to the Club from any and all sources. However, Committees who receive permission from the Club to maintain their own funds, in order to conduct committee business shall do so in accordance with Article 8 and 9.    


The Treasurer shall keep a complete record of all receipts and expenditures of the Club and pay all bills approved by the Club. The Treasurer shall read a report of the Club’s financial standing at each regular meeting and include all monies received, all bills received, all bills paid and amounts in the various club accounts for the previous month. They shall also oversee the Club’s Small Games of Chance, Food Licensing, present a budget for the year at the February meeting, and frequently pick up mail at the Club’s Post office Box.


It is also the Treasurer’s responsibility to collect all financial reports/related documents from each committee, combine this with the Clubs financial reports/related documents and deliver said material to a Certified Public Accountant for the purpose of preparing the annual Internal Revenue Service tax forms.


The Board of Directors shall be a nine-member team of Club elected members who shall perform their duties as follows:

•          Board of Directors – It is the duty of the Directors to attend the Executive Committee meetings and in conjunction with the Club Officers, conduct the business of the club.  They shall also ensure that the Officers and Committee Chairmen are achieving their respective tasks.

Article 7 - Governing Body


The Executive Committee of the Club shall be the Officers and the Board of Directors.


Section 1

Duties of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:

  1. To conduct all business of the Club, and not endeavor to make policy changes to the Club without receiving Membership approval.
  2. To be accountable to the Club, this includes but is not limited to distribution of the Executive Committee Meeting minutes.
  3. To submit for approval of the Club, all business transactions for amounts in excess of $1,000.00. Should an emergency arise (e.g., HVAC or major plumbing system fail) the Executive Committee by majority vote may spend up to $5000.00 without first obtaining Membership Approval.
  4. To review requests from individuals or organizations wishing to rent the Club’s facilities, or for Club sponsored contests and events, such as the Trap or sporting clay shoots, and designating the ones they deem fit as, “Officially sanctioned”.
  5. To annually review the Club Dues and Fees, see article 4, section 3 above. and make recommendations to the general membership if a change is or is not deemed necessary.
  6. To annually review the Club, Range and Kitchen rules, and make recommendations to the general membership if a change is or is not deemed necessary. (See Club Rules # 2)
  7. To select a member of the Club to fulfill any vacancy which might occur on the Executive Committee for the unexpired term.
  8. To replace any member of the Board of Directors who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without making a satisfactory explanation.


Section 2

The President, at the regular September meeting, shall appoint a Nominating Committee. It shall be the duty of this Committee to nominate members for the Offices, Directors, Lifetime Members, Sportsmen and Junior Sportsmen of the year being voted on for that year. The Nominating Committee shall present their nominees at the regular November meeting, prepare ballets with the appropriate names for membership to vote upon, and read submitted nominating letters for Lifetime Members, Sportsmen and Junior Sportsmen of the year at the December meeting before the membership votes.


Section 3

The election shall be held at the regular December meeting with the officers being elected as follows:

  1. Officers shall be elected for a two-year term with the President, Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary being elected on the even numbered years and Vice President, Secretary, and Membership Secretary on Odd years
  2. Directors for a three-year term, three of which are to be elected annually.


Article 8 - Committees

The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint standing committees annually at the February meeting of the Executive Committee. There are two types of committees, Standing Committees, which have a continuing existence and Special Committees, which go out of existence as soon as they have completed a specific task.


Section 1

Committees with power, are authorized to conduct all business of the given committee. Expenditure of committee funds in excess of $1,000.00 for a single purchase is subject to the approval of the Club membership, but the Executive Committee shall be notified in advance. 


Section 2

At the January Club Meeting (See Article 9, Section 3), each committee chairperson shall present their annual committee status report which will include the financial performance for the past year, a list of committee members, volunteer hours and current inventory, to the President.  All financial reports/related documents shall be turned over to the Club Treasurer at this Meeting.


Section 3

Committees that fail to operate within the framework of these By-Laws, must turn over all assets to the parent club.


Section 4

Committees are not authorized to borrow or loan funds to any entity within or outside of the structure of the Club, without the explicit approval of the Executive Committee.


Article 9 - Accounts

The Club is considered to be a Non-profit organization as defined by tax code 501(c)4. As such, the club and the standing committees, that are authorized, maintain funds for operation and upkeep on related equipment, buildings, and grounds.


Section 1

The Club’s, and committees with financial accounts shall undergo a financial review, no later than February 1st, by an audit committee.


Section 2

The Club account shall not be permitted to drop below an amount sufficient to meet one year’s expenses. A budget will be established by the Executive Committee and submitted as part of their respective annual report in February to the general Club Membership. The Executive Committee at its discretion is empowered to increase or decrease the level of funding based upon current cash balances and operational expenses. The Executive Committee shall make recommendations to the general Club for approval.


Section 3

Each standing committee shall provide a percentage of their net proceeds to the Parent Club. This must be received no later than the annual meeting along with their financial statements. (See Club Rules for current rate.) Committee contributions and Club accounts will be reviewed at the February Executive Board Meeting.


Section 4

In the event the Club should cease to exist, all cash accounts and other assets of the Club shall be liquidated and donated to a charitable organization(s) as defined by tax code 501(c)4. The Executive Committee shall recommend such organization(s) to the general membership for approval.


Article 10 - Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the BY-LAWS.

Article 11 - By-Laws Revision


These BY-LAWS as printed are the revised and amended BY-LAWS of the Club. All previous BY-LAWS and Amendments or documents are obsolete. The Club By-Laws supersede the Club rules, Range rules and approved policies which conflict with the By-laws.

Article 12 - Amendments


These BY-LAWS may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present at any regular meeting of the Club provided the notice of the amendment has been given at two consecutive immediate previous meetings.